I Heart My Voice

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#1 Secret to Sing without Straining

What would it feel like to give yourself the gift of your dream voice in 2023? To finally say goodbye to straining on your high notes, sing with a strong, balanced tone, and step into the spotlight you always knew you were meant for?

If that's a big YES deep inside your soul, then let me share with you our #1 Secret to Sing without Straining! 

Do this exercise with Coach Ashley through a straw and watch your voice expand. 

And don’t miss out on this special invite from me to you to join the I Heart My Voice Academy.

The I Heart My Voice Academy is my signature program that has helped hundreds of singers launch the voice and career of their dreams (without the strain + struggle). Are you ready to be next?

With 5 content-rich modules (and 20+ hours of bonus materials) learn how to....

-Master industry-best vocal technique and find your unique voice and style
-Write release-worthy songs you love that capture your mission
-Record pro demos from home without paying thousands
-Give Idol-worthy performances to capture the hearts of raving fans
-Grow your fanbase with our proven strategies by viral singing influencers
-Create big opportunities and the impact-driven career of your dreams

Whether you're just starting out or have established your career already, the IHMV Academy will amplify your singing journey! Join us today and I'll see you inside!

Roxie at I Heart My Voice