I Heart My Voice

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Top Secret Tip to Hit That High Note

If you've been wondering how to hit that high note with more ease, this is for you! I wanted to share this because finding your voice matters. And even though sometimes it takes longer than we think it should, the most important quality is that we never abandon our singing dream!

And even if we rehearse every day, sometimes it's the simple little tweaks that make the biggest difference in how we feel and sound. So here's our tiny but mighty tip from IHMV coach Carolina to help your high notes soar! Listen closely to how she sings the word 'bad'.

Lots of people kept commenting on this viral TikTok post about how she sings a "v" instead of the "b" on "bad girl". So here's what Grace Kinstler said, "When singing that high, it is helpful to alter certain consonants and vowels to keep breath flowing/stay relaxed."

Some high notes are tricky to sing because of the consonants and vowels. So don't give up on your dream to hit your high notes with ease! Try slightly shifting the pronunciation! It works!!

All my ❤️,
Roxie at I Heart My Voice

PS - I'm not saying that all you need to do is shift your pronunciation and you will hit your high notes. In fact, I'm here to help you manifest your dream voice and career much more quickly with my signature program, The I Heart My Voice Academy!

This is the perfect opportunity to create the voice and career of your dreams with a community of like-minded singers who get it and get you!

Send me a message at sing@iheartmyvoice.com with the word "SING" and I’ll send you deets!