Path To The GRAMMYs


Do you have a Grammy dream delayed? ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ†

It's official! Big CONGRATS to our master mentor Keisha who just won her first Grammy credit!

In this video, we talk about your GRAMMY strategy and a more successful way to think about getting there.

Let's get you that Grammy!


We *might* be able to help you.

I can't promise yet, because I don't know you or your situation yet.

We do our best work with impact-driven, talented singers, who want to explore the power of your voice + vision by training in community with Keisha and America's most competitive singers and songwriters.

If that's you, and you'd like to grow faster than you have been--just email with the word 'MENTOR' and we'll hook you up with details.

We'll take a listen to your singing, look at your branding and what's really possible for you in the next 6-12 months.

Just email with this message and we'll get you the details.