Released EP & Exploded on TikTok


Please join me in celebrating our client Patrica! 🎉🎉

I just got this message from Patricia that she just sold 160 copies of her EP! And went from 300 followers to 12K raving fans on TikTok!!!

In just under 1 year of coaching at I Heart My Voice, she's finished writing, recording and releasing her first EP and is living her dream.

Have you been wondering what more is possible for your voice and career?

The truth is that YOU are no different than Patricia, you also have the potential to find your voice and live your singing dream…

BUT! The way you've been doing things hasn’t been working and your singing career isn’t growing the way you dreamed it would.

You need a winning strategy.

What I know for sure is the ultimate place of possibility is in surrounding yourself with people that have the results you want and are a thousand steps ahead of you (because success leaves footprints!).

If you’d like some help, send me a message at with the word "SING" and let’s brainstorm a strategy for you.

We hope to share YOUR success story very soon!

Much Love,
Roxie at I Heart My Voice