I Heart My Voice

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4 Confidence-Building Shifts for Singers

What if you were fully confident in your voice and your big vision? As singers, we know that confidence sells and we're told to fake it 'til we make it. But at the same time, we know that doesn’t really work!

The question is, how can we be gentle with ourselves and build confidence every day along with our big vision in the process? Tune into this special 9 minute training to recenter & ground yourself in your true confidence. (snag our 4 steps at the end!!)

If you're a singer who wants to launch your dream voice and vision in 2023, you’re going to love this!

I Heart My Voice has been coaching singers for 20 years, and we can tell you that the #1 thing that causes singers to step into the spotlight is when they conquer confidence! And you can too!!

So we wanted everyone in this community today to get their hands on the how to's of confidence and build it every day moving forward.

Remember, you wouldn’t have the dream if you didn’t have what it takes to make it happen.

All my ❤️,
Roxie at I Heart My Voice

PS - Ready to get yourself into a high vibrational vortex of singers who are committed to massive vocal and career transformation just like you? With high-touch 1:1 mentorship, 3 performance events, and unmatched sisterhood, this is a MUST!! 

Send me a message at sing@iheartmyvoice.com with the word "SING" and we'll send you the details.